Grow Grass in Blender
Simulate the growth of grass with this geometry nodes setup for Blender. The grass will grow around objects in your scene. It includes lots of easy parameters to setup your scene quick and easily.
Update 1.3: Added slider to only grow from upfacing geometry and improved the grow in normal direction method.
Requires Blender 3.6 or later because it uses simulation geometry nodes.
Below are some examples for the different parameters.
Grow your digital grass.
Grass will grow around objects.
Get cool results with different materials.
Paint grass on a part or your entire object.
Set a constant growth speed...
...or randomize the grass length.
Choose the pointiness of your grass.
Choose your grass width/thickness.
Set an overall deformation (a bit like wind).
Set deformation of individual grasses (to make it messy).
Set the deformation scale.
Show and hide the emitter.
Grass can grow up...
...or in the direction of the normal.
Copy the modifier to combine grasses.
All the parameters for the 'Grow Grass' geometry node modifier.
Tip: After simulating the grass to the length of your liking, you can animate the 'Grow animator' slider to create animations like the YouTube video at the top of this page.
The included grass material has a slider to set a slightly different color for individual grass blades.
Blend file with complete 'grow grass' geometry nodes setup like in the screenshots